• Please ensure the "Signing Period" and "Signs With" dropdowns are correctly selected for your search
• "Signs With" - Is the player signing with the team they most recently played for (Same) or a new team (Different)?
• "8yr Rule" - If "On" is selected, players singing with a different team will have a "Yr8 term" probability of 0%
• Please see our Glossary Entry for a brief overview of the contract projections or our Full Writeup for a complete overview of how the projections are created
- Please see our Contract Projection Writeup for a complete overview of how the projections are created
- Currently, this page only allows skaters who are free agents for the 2022, 2023, and 2024 offseason to be displayed (goalies and non-free agents cannot be viewed)
- The top chart displays our contract projection at each contract length that is available for the selected player. The size and shade of the bubble indicate the probability of that specific contract being signed. The most likely contract is circled with a black ring
- The bottom chart displays our estimate of the most impactful indicators of a player's next contract based on the model (this does not include player attributes such as position, age, draft position, etc.). Each metric has been rescaled to have a specified minimum (0) and maximum (100). This allows the underlying distribution to be preserved when displaying metrics that are not on the same scale. These values are not percentiles
- Please ensure the "Signs With" dropdown is correctly selected for your selection
- Please ensure the "Signing Period" dropdown is correctly selected for your selection
- The "8yr Rule" is always "On" for the Contract Projection Plots (UFAs signing with a new team cannot sign an 8 year contract)